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Henry Grier Bryant was born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania in 1859. He lived there until 1866. 

From 1866-1876, Bryant lived at 1227 N 11th St in Philadelphia, PA with his family. 

Henry Grier Bryant resided at 2013 Walnut St, Philadelphia PA 19103 from 1892-1923. 

Henry Grier Bryant lived at 2129 Walnut St, Philadelphia PA 19103 from 1923-1932. In the same neighborhood as his previous residence. 

Henry Grier Bryant furthered his academic studies at Princeton University, he graduated in 1883.

Bryant went to Phillips Exeter Academy in 1876 and graduated in 1879.

After graduating with his bachelor's degree in 1883, Bryant wanted to become a lawyer. He went to Penn Carey Law in 1884.

Land Title Building at 1400 Chestnut Street used to be Bryant's office from 1890 well into his career. 

Henry worked at 1735 Market St in 1889, which formerly used to be home to Edison Electric Light Company.

His first major expedition took place in 1891, when he set out to explore the Grand Falls of Labrador, located in Canada.

 In 1897 Mr. Bryant organized and conducted an expedition to the Mount Saint Elias region of Alaska as well as many trips to explore the Rocky Mountain Region of Canada.

In 1894, Bryant went on another expedition to Greenland and the Arctic. He wrote yet another book titled The Peary Auxiliary Expedition of 1894.

On March 3, 1899, he embarked on a month-long cruise through the West Indies aboard the A.S. Paris. He wrote all about the trip in a journal. 

 In 1925, Bryant arrived in London, England on vacation. 

In 1915, Henry visited Bermuda. He traveled for his own enjoyment, on non-work related vacations. 

In 1899, Bryant ventured to the Canadian Rockies for a climbing trip, revisiting a pastime he had enjoyed in his youth.

Though Henry Grier Bryant lived alone in his later years, he continued to travel whenever possible, frequently visiting New York City.

Henry Grier Bryant visited China in 1919 where he recorded Chinese culture and documented photos of the things and people he encountered in his book "The Land of the Golden Dragon."

In 1910, Bryant embarked on a journey through Scandinavia, capturing vivid memories from his travels across Iceland, Spitsbergen, the Faroe Islands, the Orkney Islands, and Sweden. His experiences from this trip were preserved in a photo album titled Miscellaneous.

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